Megan's First Blog

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, My Sweet Caroline!

Last year, some girls living on my dorm floor decided that we’d celebrate birthdays by buying cupcakes at one of our favorite shops, Cocoa Bean. If a particular birthday did not fall during the fall/winter semesters, we’d simply celebrate their half-birthday. I remember one of those girls, quite loudly, saying “Gosh this is so STUPID! My birthday and half birthday fall on two occasions when we’re not together!” The girl to which I’m referring to is none other than Miss Caroline. Happy 20th sweetheart!
There’s much to be said for Caroline. She’s incredible intelligent. I’d dare say she’s one of the smartest friends I have. She views the world in a much higher degree of thinking than I’ll ever hope of reaching. We’re in good hands with this girl. She’s passionate. Whether it’s passion towards a recycling debate or the difference between classy black heels and trashy black heels, she has a fiery passion and zest for things she knows and cares about. Although some would think her life is perfect from the outside, upon getting to know her, she struggles with the same sort of things we all do. However, she has an incredible strength to overcome the difficulties in her life. She is vastly independent, a characteristic I both love and hate about her, which allows her to take the problems at hand and push through them headstrong. She devotes time and money for the people most loyal to her. From what I see and hear, she’s a devoted daughter and faithful sister. She’s a delightful friend. She lights up a room and puts a smile on your face when she laughs. She’s been a part of me for over a year and she’s made momentous waves on my attitude and life. Through her generosity, laugh and kindness, she’s been one of many to shape the person I am becoming. Thank you so much, my dear sweet Caroline! Happy Birthday! I can’t wait to see you again.


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