Happy St. Patrick’s Day, folks! I am one lucky girl, who has so much to be blessed for! The past week or so, two things have been on my mind: being spontaneous and my family. I am lucky that I have the support and resources to go out into the world and discover new things. That “luck” comes from having an incredibly supportive family that I can lean on no matter what. I’m grateful for you all! Thank you so much and loves!
When I was at work last week, Melanie asked me what I liked to do outside work. What should have been a simple question to answer completely took me off guard and I think the only thing I managed to squeak out before we were sidetracked by little Collie was something about spending time with my family and running. The reality that I was unable to answer her question by merely listing things off the top of my head was/is somewhat alarming to me. With this experience in mind, among others that have slapped me in the face over the last couple weeks have permitted my eyes to open to the reality of a dream I’ve been living in. I need to discover what I love; not what my family likes, not what my friends like, not what boys like, but simply and justly what I like to do solely and irreversibly for me. A few things come to mind when I think of things I like to do. I enjoy playing games (especially Disney Monopoly), watching movies and finding new songs I can’t listen to enough (yay country!), shopping, traveling, reading books and eating food. Some of my favorite things are the first sips of a soda pop (feel that burn), being able to run for a longer distance than I did last week, crossing things off my to-do list (even if I’d just put it on the list in order to cross it off) and looking up sappy love quotes on the internet. Despite my very “hefty” list of hobbies, when I look at them, I feel they’re a bit pathetic. I love to write, do well in school, eat food, watch movies, and be with the people I love. I want to make my list a bit longer. As a result to this, I’m making it my goal to expand my horizons this spring/summer. I want to do things I haven’t (or wouldn’t normally), I want to establish new habits, cross something off my bucket list, do something spontaneous, and institute a new relationship I’ve never had before. Right now, most of my boys my age are on missions. While I care about all of them in different ways, there are few who stick out in mind; some are like my big brothers, others my best friend, and for one in particular, he’s become someone I count the months until he comes home. It’s occurred to me that you can’t have a very long lasting relationship if only one person is clear of who they are. Therefore, yet another reason for my interest in discovering new things so I can either later say I love it, like it, or downright hate it! Stay tuned for my “updates” on how impulsive I will get.
A couple weekends ago, I was asked why I like to spend time with a certain group of people. While I’m trying my hardest to remember, I can’t think of my answer. Well, I’ve been thinking about it and now I have at least some little response for you. Why do I choose to spend so much time with my 7 and 5 year old Portyr and Maddy and my lovely aunt and uncle? While getting fabulous shakes from Jim every Sunday as we watch Once Upon a Time is a plus, getting “discounts” from Sara at Kohl’s helps my much budgeted fashion wardrobe, and getting hugs from my “niece and nephew” (yes, Maddy can’t quite wrap her head around the idea of me being her cousin. She only has cousins “her age” and I am NOT her age) can make me forget any bad thing that happened to me that day, there’s something a bit more that sticks out in my mind. In short, they’re my family. The older I get, the more I appreciate and earnestly want to be with my family. I believe that family is the people you choose. It’s not only those with the same genealogy tree as you; it is those who came and loved you for you; they drive you crazy, but you wouldn’t change them if you could. They make you laugh so hard your tummy hurts, but trip you on the way up the stairs. They may not always be physically with you, but they’re the ones who come and never leave your heart. People do and will come in and out of your life, but your family is the people who stay. And if they can’t stay by your side permanently, they stay in your heart eternally. I am lucky enough to not only have a spectacular family, but many of them I also consider my good friends; even my best friends. Melina is one of them. While I wouldn’t trade our different challenges or how we’ve both dealt with them, I pray every night that I can exude the same passion, dedication and love my sister has and exercises every day. In 3 weeks, mom and I are flying to Colorado to see my sissy and check on my unborn nephew. Elise was born to be a wife and mother and without hesitation I tell everyone who is reading this that she will be a great mom; better than I will ever hope to be! Elise loves children, loves the Gospel, loves to teach. She loves her husband and her little family she is making. I’m so proud of her. I am truly happy to be spending a few days with her, rekindling memories and preparing for new ones to come. The older I get, the more I love my parents. I love my mom and dad. They’ve given me everything and then some. They’ve taught me everything I need to know about how to get through this life alive and happy. I couldn’t ask for better parents for me. I wouldn’t want anything more than what I have. Since I’m writing this from Sara and Jim’s couch, you can probably assume that I kind of like them too. They’re so good to me; more so than I deserve. Thank you! Not only are you my family, you’re my friends and the people I learn from. Who else am I going to panic to or eat 7 Del Taco's with? I love you guys! I hope that my future family can be as happy as yours.
I am so incredibly blessed. I am lucky. I’m lucky that I have the opportunities to go out there and try new things. I’m lucky to have my family and my friends.
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