Last Wednesday, we got to celebrate Miss Whitney Steed’s 20th birthday. As her birthday lies on leap day (February 29th), we hoped to make it extra special for her. My fingers are still crossed that she had a good day.
In the morning, Shelly made Whit a fabulous breakfast before class. Throughout the day, we decorated the apartment front to back, top to bottom, including filling Whitney’s room with balloons. Side note for a funny story: as Shelly and I were blowing up balloons, Shelly suggested we put money in some of them. I saw some change on Whit’s desk and figured if we put that in the balloons, that would be sufficient (hey – we’re college students after all!) I successfully blew up my dime filled green balloon. As Shelly was trying to tie her balloon filled with quarters, it popped and the two of us screamed as though Audrey Hepburn walked back into the room (maybe this was a story you just had to “be there” for, but in the moment, it was really traumatic and then really funny.)
About 6 p.m., Shelly, Kelsey, Whitney Simons, Katherine, Kate, Tanya, Whit and I all went out to Chilies for a birthday dinner. I’d like to point out here that I think I got a few of those girls hooked on their chips and salsa – yum yum SO to die for! It was great to catch up with some of the girls I don’t get to see as often as I’d like. They are so much fun and I laughed until my tummy hurt. Chilies provided Whitney with a complimentary brownie and ice cream in which I think we had more fun taking creepy pictures with than eating (and don’t worry mom and dad – Whit wouldn’t let me near the Gluten filled dessert.)
At 8 o’clock, our party for Whitney started. We had invited a bunch of friends over for a dessert party. We bought a big ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins and Shelly made some cupcakes. We then asked everyone else who was coming to bring a dessert plate if possible. The party was a huge success. At one point, we probably crammed anywhere from 25-30 people into our little front room / kitchen area. About 8:45 p.m., we turned down the lights and sang “Happy Birthday” to Whitney. I hope her birthday wishes come (came) true. As far as our guest list was concerned, I think we all were quite pleased. We had a fair amount of people from our freshman ward come to visit, including our ever so favorite sweater wearing friend Hunter. It is always a pleasure to see the beautiful face of Miss Stephanie and meet her new beau. After hearing so many names from Whitney’s engineering classes, it was wonderful to finally put a face to said names. Many of her fellow classmates came to relish in her birthday and I must say they made the party. Those engineering majors may be smart, but they are surely fun as well! A big thanks to so many who came from our ward and for just the friends we know that came to wish our girl a big, happy 2-0!

I met Whitney a little less than 2 years ago. I remember thinking “I need to be friends with this girl!” I’m delighted to report that not only have we lived together the last two years; she’s also become one of my best friends. We’ve been through so much together, yet our relationship is still growing. I have no doubt in my mind that Whitney will stay a part of my life for years to come.
As clichĂ© as it sounds, I mean it whole-heartedly. When I first met Whitney so long ago in our dorm hallway, I had no idea she would become so important and would make such a lasting impact on my life. I believe one of the things that’s bonded Whitney and I are our long conversations we have so frequently. We’ve sat at our kitchen table countless times between classes as she plugged away at her 5 pound cheese ball and I gnawed on my peanut butter covered celery sticks. So many times our “hey, how was your day” sort of conversations have turned into thought-provoking, uplifting discussions that encourages the both of us. She gives me honest, sincere advice. She is one of few who tell me what I need to hear, without me taking some sort of offense. She is truthfully, one of the most genuine, heart-felt people I have ever met. Not only does she believe in others, she believes in herself. She makes goals that most our age would never image not only pursing, but completing. Although she’s small in stature, she is not weak. She is undeniably kind, but expresses herself in a way that allows people to know how she feels; whether it’s good or bad. Her unfaltering testimony and inspired advice has opened my eyes to the potential I have as an individual, student, friend and daughter. I admire how much she cares and loves her family. Never, have I seen an aunt care for her nieces and nephew the way she does. She is an example to me of the kind of aunt I want to be. Whitney believes in people; she believes in me. She looks past my faults and sees a person inside that I haven’t even discovered yet. She has faith that I will succeed. She learns from her mistakes and wakes up each morning with the goal in mind to serve others and live righteously. I’ve never met anyone like Whitney Steed, but how blessed I am to have her part of my life! She is a tender mercy from the Lord. I could not ask for a better friend; a better person to be as involved in my life as she is in mine.
Happy Birthday my dear friend! Thank you for simply being you. I truly do hope that all your “wishes” come true.
You're adorable. I miss your face && I love you to pieces.