First I best be apologizing. I realize I haven’t written on my blog in a while. Sowwy…another thing to apologize for - I wrote this blog post on Sunday. Yes, I realize it is now Wednesday, but I've had a wee bit of trouble with my internet connection since being home. Oops! So while you read this, pretend it's actually last Sunday, not 3 days later.
I’d like to wish my parents a great, big, giant Happy 30th Anniversary! 30 years ago today, Scott Clegg took LuAnn Moldenhaurer to the Logan temple to be sealed for time and all eternity. I can think of no better experience than marrying your best friend, your hero and your greatest support. Here’s to 30 more years of exhilaration and ecstasy. Mom and dad, I love you so much. Thank you for making our home centered on Jesus Christ. Thank you for working so hard every day so I can enjoy the nice home and possessions I do. I’m grateful I can receive a spectacular education at BYU and it is only through you that I could have made it this far. I’m thankful for your individual examples of faith, loyalty and hard work. I know that I can always come home to parents who love me without question or hesitation.
I’m thrilled to report that our family is all together once again to celebrate Christmas. Mark towered over his first semester at the University of Colorado pharmacy school and performed admirably on his finals. Great job, bro! Mark and Elise are happy to be home for the holidays and we are equally delighted to see them again. They’ll be spending the week before Christmas through Christmas morning with our family. Then they will drive to Ogden to spend Christmas dinner through New Year’s with the Berning family. Melina is working hard at the hospital doing the Christ-like work she knows and loves best. I’m looking forward to spending lots of time with her in the next little while.
It’s crazy how fast another semester has come and gone. It’s almost scary when I think how quickly life passes. One of my roommates, Kelsey, stopped by my parent’s house to give me her Christmas gift and we talked how starkly things have changed in only a year. If things can change this rapidly, where will we be this time next year? As scary and frustrating as it can be, I’m happy to be in the stage of life I am (I know…shocking hearing those words come out of my mouth). I’ve been given opportunities some will only dream about. From here, I can go anywhere. What a feeling?! It’s incredible. Terrifying, yes, but equally incredible.
I love this time of year! I love Christmas. Yes, I am indeed one of those people who love to lay by the Christmas tree with a fire blazing closely nearby. I love corny Christmas music and I don’t think I’ll ever tire of watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". I enjoy making chocolate covered pretzels and delivering neighbor gifts via caroling. I love to come home and find new brightly wrapped packages under the tree. I love how everyone seems to try a little harder to be a little happier. I’m grateful for the emphasis on service and charity. This is an excellent time of year to reflect on the things God’s given you and realize how blessed you truly are. I’m grateful for my Savior. I know that He lives. I look forward to the day when I get to kneel at His feet once again.
Merry Christmas everyone! Loves!
P.S. I'm not silly enough to think that people read blogs for the words. I get it; you like the pictures best. Here's a few from this past Thanksgiving. Enjoy!
We girls spent Friday afternoon (after we'd slept off "Black Friday" exhaustion) making candy decorations for mom's work.
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