Happy Christmas my wonderful friends and family! It’s been such a fun holiday break and I’ve enjoyed spending much needed time with my family.
I’m delighted to finally get the go ahead to tell the exciting news: I am officially going to be an aunt! Yes, Mark and Elise are expecting their first little addition to their family. Baby is due July 6th, 2012. The pair just glow when the topic of baby comes up. I’m so happy for them. They will make terrific parents and raise a tremendously happy and faithful family. Unfortunately, Leesie has confirmed the Clegg girl’s fears of being terribly sick while pregnant. Mark and Elise spent the week before Christmas with our family and she was pretty sick. I admire my brother in law as he sat with her day after day, massaging her feet and holding her hand. Baby is roughly the size of a prune yet he/she received more Christmas gifts this year than we did. They’re going to be one spoiled baby, but I couldn’t be happier. I’m eager to meet the new addition to my family this summer!
Upon arriving home from school, I walked upstairs to my bedroom and found a roughly 5 foot tall Christmas tree decorated in white and blue lights and BYU ornaments. I love it! Thanks mama smurf!! The best surprise came a few days later when mom told me I get to keep it. Woot woot! Mom and I stopped at one of her favorite stores called “Wood Connection” and picked up some crafts to do over the holiday. Yes, I’m truly my mother’s daughter. Our enthusiasm for creativity was magnified greatly when dad let mom and I paint the kitchen / family room. Talk about being eager and thrilled on my part! We’ve painted the walls a deep red and light brown. Our once green hutch is now black. We’ve put our couches, TV, entertainment center, etc. on KSL and we’re energized to hit the Salt Lake RC Willey for a flat screen and leather lazy-boys.
Over the break, I had the chance to walk through Salt Lake's Temple Square with my friend, Miles. We went to a restaurant called the "Blue Lemon" (I'd never heard of it before, but I highly recommend it. Very tasty!). Then we crossed the street and walked Temple Square. It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful that building is. It's my own personal castle and I can't wait for the time when I get to walk inside.
I've attempted to live my life with the perspective of the glass half full. As I’ve grown into adulthood, that perception has been tried and tested by many of the obstacles life brings. Still, it’s a goal I’m always pushing myself to meet.
On Christmas Eve, our family not only celebrated the festivities that Christmas brings, but were also reminded of the 3 month anniversary of the death of our sweet Brenda. No father, mother, or sibling should have to bury a loved one at such a young age. How could anyone find a “brightside” to a tragedy mirrored of this? In contrast, I think I’ve found one at best. Over the last 3 months, my new home away from home has been not in Provo or Draper, but in Orem at my aunt and uncle’s home. What first was an invitation for Sunday dinner has now turned into at least a once a week visit to see my ever so cute cousins Maddy and Portyr and chill with Jim and Sara. Here are 10 of some of the plain and simple truths I’ve learned from them over the last few months. First, upon having a bad day, go to Jim and ask for an egg nog shake. Holy crap – there are no words to how much I love that drink! Second, when in doubt, go to Kohl’s with Sara and she’ll get you a discount on clothes you’d pay more for without her. Third, if you want lots of extra Olive Garden mints, flirt with the waiter (regardless if they are of the same sex as you. Works every time!) Fourth, the game of life can be a challenge. Keep your head up and keep going (darn tomatoes!!) Fifth, choppers are not helicopters. Sixth, there’s always time for a scary movie and seventh The Human Centipede and Saw trilogy will one day be worth the wait. Eighth, Portyr is by far the best 7 year old big brother I’ve met in too long. Ninth, coloring at any age is not a crime and nothing to be ashamed of. Finally, tenth, root beer freezes are God’s gift to humanity. If you need to reach me, most likely I’ll be playing with them or sleeping on their couch. If you really don’t believe me, check your Google Latitude (yes, I have said app now because an iPhone was a Christmas present to myself this year) and I’m watching Tangled with the kiddos.
I’m so very blessed to have such a wonderful family, enjoyable friends and a life that allows me to do what so many will only dream of.
Merry Christmas everyone! And a pleasant 2012!
Gingerbread house making! Yay!
Mark made a BYU inspired gingerbread man. We were all extremely impressed.
Yes, I'm still a "daddy's girl".
When we sat down for Christmas dinner, I insisted on taking a picture of Mark and Elise who were sitting opposite me. As I had an empty seat next to me, I decided to take a picture with my one day "significant other". With technology the way it is, we can photo-shop him in later, right?