To My Sweet,
I need someone who understands my necessity to create a home, which yes, will probably be “feminine” and crafty and potentially girly, but will also be comfortable, safe, peaceful and a haven from the outside world. I need someone who will accept that I am anal about cleanliness and organization and my label maker and I WILL get mad when things aren’t as they should. I crave a calm life. I like Friday nights at home, but I also like to get dressed up and go to fancy restaurants like the Melting Pot or PF Changs or Bombay House. Sometimes I’m a brat and quick to judge other people for their faults, but I hate when people criticize me for mine. Trust me, I am working on this, but please be patient in the mean time. I need you to understand that I pay $5-$7 for each birthday or wedding card I purchase because I’m exceptionally picky. I eat cereal before I go to bed more often than I don’t. Sometimes I’m moody, with really no explanation why. When those days or nights arise, bear with me. It’s probably not your fault. I’m a nag. I recognize this. I’ll try to work on it. I guess you could say I’m high maintenance. I like nice things. I like going to nice places and staying in fancy hotels and wearing expensive shoes and blouses from Banana Republic or J.F. Crew or Nordstrom. With that said, I also like playing Disney Monopoly and eating kettle corn in my sweatpants. I hate the outdoors – I hate feeling dirty – but if it’s something you like, I want you to teach me how to enjoy it as much as you do and I promise I will give it a chance. I am quick to criticize myself and even quicker to question someone’s affections for me, especially in the beginning. Please remind me of your feelings often. I accept that men think differently than women and so you’re probably not thinking of me every minute of every day, but please tell me on occasion when you are because I need to hear it. And after 15 years of marriage, keep telling me you love me and I promise, I will forever keep loving you; every day, every hour, every minute. Even when I hate you, even when I don’t like you, I promise to keep loving you. I need you to understand that I am a perfectionist. It’s hard for me to accept help so sometimes you’ll just need to humor me. Either bump me out of the way and ignore my protests or just bite your tongue. I’ll make up for it later, I promise. I want to give my heart to you, but please don’t accept unless you promise to take care of it; if I’m giving it to you, it means I trust you. If I eat something salty, I’ll need something sweet. I suggest you plan accordingly for picnics. I come with a past, I come with baggage. I have long sense decided and vowed that my past would not dictate my present or future, but I am still a product of those mistakes and those decisions and those temptations and those burdens. I’m not asking you to like all of them, but I am asking you to understand who I am now. And why I live the way I do. I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It will be a part of our home. I long, more so than I could ever wish to articulate anywhere, to walk out the doors of the temple with you, hand-in-hand. I believe He knows me and He knows you. He’ll get us where we need to be so we’ll find (or look up and SEE) one another. I believe He is a part of our lives and He will continue to be if we are faithful and obey His commandments set out to make us happy. I have a lot of goals on my bucket list and many include you. Some are really scary, in which I’ll need you to hold my hand. Others might require your patience as I drag you from museum to museum in Florence or Rome or Paris. But I’ll make you a deal right now: indulge me then and we’ll make up for it later! This I PROMISE. Virginia Woolfe said that every woman should have a space she can call her own. If it’s okay with you, I want a desk that I can sit at and write or read the latest art journals or study. I understand we’ll probably be poor at first, but maybe when we’re “rich and famous” one day, we can work something out. Take care of me. I will get the kids ready for school and make sure our house is clean and dinner is on the table. But kiss me before you leave for work and kiss me when you get home. Let our kids see that you love me and you love them. Say prayers with me every night. Tickle me. Make me laugh. Remind me you love me. I am not perfect and I have a very long way to go before I even reach that sphere, but I will do everything I can to make you happy and to build a glorious life with you. You're the prayer I say every day.
I need someone who understands my necessity to create a home, which yes, will probably be “feminine” and crafty and potentially girly, but will also be comfortable, safe, peaceful and a haven from the outside world. I need someone who will accept that I am anal about cleanliness and organization and my label maker and I WILL get mad when things aren’t as they should. I crave a calm life. I like Friday nights at home, but I also like to get dressed up and go to fancy restaurants like the Melting Pot or PF Changs or Bombay House. Sometimes I’m a brat and quick to judge other people for their faults, but I hate when people criticize me for mine. Trust me, I am working on this, but please be patient in the mean time. I need you to understand that I pay $5-$7 for each birthday or wedding card I purchase because I’m exceptionally picky. I eat cereal before I go to bed more often than I don’t. Sometimes I’m moody, with really no explanation why. When those days or nights arise, bear with me. It’s probably not your fault. I’m a nag. I recognize this. I’ll try to work on it. I guess you could say I’m high maintenance. I like nice things. I like going to nice places and staying in fancy hotels and wearing expensive shoes and blouses from Banana Republic or J.F. Crew or Nordstrom. With that said, I also like playing Disney Monopoly and eating kettle corn in my sweatpants. I hate the outdoors – I hate feeling dirty – but if it’s something you like, I want you to teach me how to enjoy it as much as you do and I promise I will give it a chance. I am quick to criticize myself and even quicker to question someone’s affections for me, especially in the beginning. Please remind me of your feelings often. I accept that men think differently than women and so you’re probably not thinking of me every minute of every day, but please tell me on occasion when you are because I need to hear it. And after 15 years of marriage, keep telling me you love me and I promise, I will forever keep loving you; every day, every hour, every minute. Even when I hate you, even when I don’t like you, I promise to keep loving you. I need you to understand that I am a perfectionist. It’s hard for me to accept help so sometimes you’ll just need to humor me. Either bump me out of the way and ignore my protests or just bite your tongue. I’ll make up for it later, I promise. I want to give my heart to you, but please don’t accept unless you promise to take care of it; if I’m giving it to you, it means I trust you. If I eat something salty, I’ll need something sweet. I suggest you plan accordingly for picnics. I come with a past, I come with baggage. I have long sense decided and vowed that my past would not dictate my present or future, but I am still a product of those mistakes and those decisions and those temptations and those burdens. I’m not asking you to like all of them, but I am asking you to understand who I am now. And why I live the way I do. I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It will be a part of our home. I long, more so than I could ever wish to articulate anywhere, to walk out the doors of the temple with you, hand-in-hand. I believe He knows me and He knows you. He’ll get us where we need to be so we’ll find (or look up and SEE) one another. I believe He is a part of our lives and He will continue to be if we are faithful and obey His commandments set out to make us happy. I have a lot of goals on my bucket list and many include you. Some are really scary, in which I’ll need you to hold my hand. Others might require your patience as I drag you from museum to museum in Florence or Rome or Paris. But I’ll make you a deal right now: indulge me then and we’ll make up for it later! This I PROMISE. Virginia Woolfe said that every woman should have a space she can call her own. If it’s okay with you, I want a desk that I can sit at and write or read the latest art journals or study. I understand we’ll probably be poor at first, but maybe when we’re “rich and famous” one day, we can work something out. Take care of me. I will get the kids ready for school and make sure our house is clean and dinner is on the table. But kiss me before you leave for work and kiss me when you get home. Let our kids see that you love me and you love them. Say prayers with me every night. Tickle me. Make me laugh. Remind me you love me. I am not perfect and I have a very long way to go before I even reach that sphere, but I will do everything I can to make you happy and to build a glorious life with you. You're the prayer I say every day.
we meet, I love you and I’m praying for you!