Megan's First Blog

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving from Arizona!

This year, we decided to spend Turkey Day with Grandma and Grandpa Moldenhauer in sunny, 75 degree Mesa, Arizona. It’s been pretty relaxing, I must say. I’m quite enjoying the freedom of being away from Provo and being away from SCHOOL. So not to impose, mom, dad, Melina and I are staying at Uncle Dan and Aunt Debbie’s house (just a couple streets down from Grandma and Grandpa) while THEY are spending Thanksgiving in Soda Springs with their kids. I’m sure grateful for my family….all of them!

As always, we were blessed with a splendid meal, courtesy of my wonderful Mama (and homemade rolls from sissy). I must give a special shout out to my Grandpa because he ordered a honey baked ham too! I’m not a huge Turkey fan, but I LOVE ham so I was nothing less than thrilled. It was fun to sit around the table and eat and eat and eat: mashed potatoes, cauliflower, rolls, stuffing, pomegranate salad, green beans and bird (or in my case, pig). And of course, pie! Mmmm…I love food J During dinner mom had prepared various questions on slips of paper that we could pick out randomly. We enjoyed getting to know each other more, especially Grandma and Grandpa. After today, I’ve concluded that much of my spunkiness comes from Grandma. She was feisty [and REBELLIOUS] when she was a young person! Some of her stories had all of us bent over with laughter. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. When we got back to our temporary home, we put in Elf and Melina and I played Phase 10 while mom and dad relaxed in the lazy boys.

Mom and dad went to bed early and Melina and I put in Miracle on 34th Street. Eventually, I was falling asleep so I tucked myself into bed around 10. About 11:30, Melina ran into my room claiming she heard someone close a door somewhere in the house. I jumped out of bed and together we opened my door slowly and she said “hello”. Most likely my imagination got the best of me because I thought I heard someone reply back with a “hello”. We screamed, jumped back on my bed and both whipped out our phones to call mom and dad who were simply down the hall. They came out of the room and searched the house and, of course, nothing was out of order and all was well. However, that did not keep me from getting a bad case of the “scardsies”. Melina and I started texting from our individual rooms and I was reminded that we are truly sisters because when I asked her what she was doing, she was looking for a Disney movie on Netflix. Many can tell you that if ever I'm nervous, that’s always my go-to. Anywho, we decided to find strength in numbers and she came and slept with me. It’s so silly because at night, when you’re scared and alone, you can’t close your eyes. However, when you know someone is right next to you, you can curl up and fall asleep with the sound of The Aristocats in the background with no problems at all. This morning, mom and dad said they forgot we were 28 and 21 and felt like they were dealing with 7 and 4 year olds. Whatever, it was scary at the time. All in all, it was a perfect Thanksgiving.

Melina and I turned into ninja’s when we opened our doors, coming face to face. Yeah, we could have totally taken someone on in a fight…

Like so many others have done, I would also like to share a few things I’m grateful for:

I’m grateful for my wonderful family and extended family.  I am very lucky to live so close to so many of my relatives. I’m grateful for my parents, who, from day 1, have worked hard to give me and my sisters a good life. I’m grateful for my sisters and the lives they’ve created for themselves and the examples each are to me. I’m grateful for my smarty-pants brother-in-law Mark and my nephew Jacob. Both make are family better. I’m thankful for my grandparents and what I can learn from all of them. I’m grateful for my aunt, uncles and cousins and for those who will one day come into our family.

I’m grateful for my terrific, supportive friends. I’m learning it’s more important to have a small number of good friends than a big number of mediocre acquaintances. I have found myself some great ones and I am richly blessed because of them. As of late, I am extremely humbled by some of their support, encouragement and tenderness towards me.

Very easily I can say the best decision I made this year and one of the top 5 things I am most grateful I have experienced in my life so far ever has to be going on my Art History Study Abroad. It changed my life, as simple as that. I’m grateful for the sites I took in, the art I stood before, the friendships I made and the lessons I learned. I cannot wait until I can return one day…

I’m grateful for my health and for excellent health insurance so I can meet with my doctors and order my medication each month with ease. I’m grateful to be receiving a higher education and that the finish line is in sight. I’m grateful for my wonderful job at the BYU Kindergarten and Preschool. I’m grateful to work with individuals that care about me. I’m grateful to interact with such sweet, gentle souls each day. I’m grateful to have a car that takes me from Point A to Point B to Point K to Point R. I’m grateful for the Christmas season which is now officially upon us. I’m grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m grateful for His love, His forgiveness and His plan.  

I’m grateful for my legs, so I can run and let myself be free for 40 minutes every day. I’m grateful for my large green eyes which allow me to see the world and have personal experiences that allow me to see the world in a certain way. I’m grateful for my ears, so I can hear music and laughter and others. I’m grateful for my nose which allows me to smell freshly baked chocolate chip cookies or pine needles on a Christmas tree. I’m grateful for my wide smile and big mouth that lets me speak what I think and maybe bring a little sunshine into the day of another. I’m grateful for my heart that beats unceasingly and fills with warmth and love for others. I’m grateful for my hands that can write and take pictures and work. I’m grateful to wake up each morning, to live my life – even on the bad days and I’m grateful I can go to bed each night with the thoughts of the day still fresh on the mind.

What a wonderful life we have! I’m grateful for Thanksgiving to think about the little things the Lord grants me each day.

Much love to you all! Happy Thanksgiving!! And welcome Christmas season!!  


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

31ish Hours

I decided to name this blog 31ish Hours because it felt like the best way of representing how the life goes these days. 31 is the number of hours I spent working in the library last week. The “ish” is included because Saturday I might have been IN the library for 8 hours, but I was probably only PRODUCTIVE for about 4-5 of those hours. Oops...Hello, senior year! Hello, senior thesis! 

I've embraced the naked truth of what are my days and even, and perhaps most somberly, many of my evenings. From these dragged conclusions, and due to the nature of my need to plan everything, I laid in bed Sunday night (9 days ago) and began yet another elongated, mental grand task list for the impending school week that lied before me. I realized that if I had any hope of not being a cranky, little snot and scaring away all my friends with my sometimes unpleasant, “very stressed out, tired moods”, I would need some way of coping with the progressive fatigue and anxiety that has become my life. 

So, with this thought in mind, I decided right then and there, as I lay curled up in my twin size apartment provided bed and listening to the fantastically soothing John Mayer, that I would keep track of all the delightful tender mercies that happened to me each day. This way I would be reminded that despite the fact I’m potentially a big, fat FOOL for pursuing higher education, I would still know that someone was watching out for me. While I was not always successful in maintaining a round the clock "happy" mood, counting my blessings certainly helped the situation a bit.  And it’s these tender mercies that I've decided to devote the rest of this post too:

Monday morning came bright and early and with it was the list of “to-do’s” at work. One of those boxes in need of being checked was wrapping each of the Preschool / Kindergarten children individual books for their Christmas presents from teachers. If you don’t know this already, my favorite time of the year is Christmas. I love the holidays! I feel like it’s when I’m most happy. So, I turned on Bing Crosby and Mannheim Steamroller for some pleasant background music as I wrapped lots and lots…and lots of Corduroy books. It was perfect.

60 down, 60 more to go!

Southern Comfort Eggnog. Enough said.
I got to spend a couple hours with the artist I am focusing my senior thesis on. His name is Trevor Southey and he is one of those people that I walked away from wanting to see again. Trevor is about 76 years old and is suffering from cancer and Parkinson’s. Still, that hasn't damaged his spirits and he is still working everyday on his art. He has such a unique perspective on life and religion and relationships and was an absolute delight to spend time with. I picked him up from his home and we drove to the Kneaders at Riverwoods where we discussed art and beauty over some comfort food. He even gave me a copy of his “coffee table” art book as a thank you for having interest in his work. Little does Trevor know that I am the one who is grateful for him.

What could I possibly find more motivating than discovering a painting (COMPLETELY by accident) by my artist hanging on the second floor of the library?! It was fate.  

When I got home from the library late Tuesday night, there was a lovely plate of goodies and a handwritten note on my kitchen table with (shockingly) my name on it! It looks like the treats were some homemade Kris Krispie Treats. The card was very nice and I’m suspecting visiting teachers, but the jury is still up. Anonymous treat and love note giver: THANK YOU! I bet your treats were wonderful, but I never got to try them because the plate mysteriously disappeared from the table the next morning. But it’s the thought that counts and I’ll take it!    

The first tender mercy came in the form of a parking spot. For those familiar with Zoobie land, you will agree with me when I say parking is not always idyllic. In fact, it’s NEVER idyllic. I was running behind for work and was nervous I would be late because I’d have to park far away – even at 7:15 a.m.! Much to my surprise, there was a very unoccupied spot right in front of the lot. Happy Wednesday!

On Wednesday’s, I have classes from 1-9 p.m. with only a one hour break from 5-6 p.m. It makes for a long day. However, my senior thesis class got out early, which allowed me enough time to go home, eat an actual supper and breathe for a moment. Thank you Martha Peacock, thank you!  

This display has currently taken residency in the Art History Department of the Jesse Knight Building. Upon closer inspection I noticed this gem.... members can testify that I have said this VERY thing long before it was EVER posted on campus. I'm not pleased. My genius plan to find my "Noah" or "Logan" is going to be ruined!! Errr...

Temple Thursday has become a favorite for me. Caroline and I have officially reached the status of “regulars” and it makes me very happy. It’s certainly humbly to know I can provide service for those on both sides of the veil.

The Clegg’s love food. Being that I am indeed a member of the crazy clan, I enjoy myself a nice meal now and again. And when it can be coupled with fantastic company, there will be no complaints coming from me.  Amelia, my other half at work, and I went on a dinner date to CafĂ© Rio and let me tell you, that creamy house dressing and sweet pork will be my saving grace every time. So. Good.  

Our "Thankful Tree" at work

Mia added this gem Thursday night. I was dubbed the nickname "Mini-Me" 5 days after we met over a year ago. The more we get to know each other, the more we find it's freakishly true! 

Sometimes it's nice to be appreciated at work. Thanks for the sweet compliment, Chloe!  

It rained today! Yes, it might be sincerely atrocious to some; it’s purely splendid for me. I love the cold; I love bundling up in sweaters, boots and scarves with cherry noses and gusts of smoky air about as conversations emerge. I love the chill in the air; the sounds of droplets hitting my umbrella. It’s a more “chilly” sort of comfort, but a pleasure no less.

After a long week of typing and researching and editing, sometimes a girl could only need some mindless entertainment to heal some of the brain cells. So tender mercy number….a lot is in the form of Netflix’s and Amazon Prime! Just...bless you!! :)


Running around the atrium stairs on the first floor is an excellent way to relieve stress. I learned this Saturday…and so did the people that watched me do it over. And over. And over again. So, I guess you can say my tender mercy for the day was the ability to have strong legs that carried me around those stairs so, so much. 

I also discovered that some necessities for a productive night at the library are as follows: first, leggings and a big sweatshirt or sweater. Second, David Lanz on Pandora. Just…trust me. Third, snacks. I recommend Oreos (yes, mom, I ate them. My stomach didn't hurt that bad though so it was okay. And I needed them real bad!!) and Dr. Pepper. Fourth and last, post-its and multiple highlighters for easy color coding of notes. Have those 4 things and you will leave with success.

I did not write this...but I did not stop it from happening either. Guilty...

Here’s to surviving until December 19th!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Just a Little HOCUS POCUS!

Halloween was just a witch of a time this year! And this time, I actually semi-participated in the festivities, beyond just cute craft decorations and apple cider. I’m so proud!

A couple weeks ago, I went on a double date to the Haunted Forest in American Fork. So much fun! I haven’t been to a haunted house since I was probably no older than 12 and I was terrified. I was pretty nervous going into this one, but I soon learned it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Such, such fun!
I’d love to give a shout out to my cute Grandma Dixie here because when I originally told her I was going on a date to the “Forest”, she replied “Have a great time in the haunted forest even though I can't think of one thing that would be fun about it, other than being with friends.” I love you, Grandma! We did, indeed, have a blast!

I happily played third wheel with my cute friends Taylor and Landon (just another married couple I've added to my ever growing list of no longer single friends) as we indulged in a little “Hocus Pocus”. No matter how old I get, I still turn into the wide eyed, gapped-tooth, active little 8 year old Megan when the Sanderson sisters come out to play. I love that movie! I also want on record that that night, I was also half forced / half bullied / half tricked via manipulation into eating an “Argentinian delicacy”-- cow tongue! I will admit that the taste itself wasn’t as bad as I was expecting; it was the consistency that made its appeal less than desirable. Despite Landon popping them into his mouth as if it was bubble gum, I did not need a second. I was very happy when he pulled out some homemade Nutella ice cream to cleanse the pallet a little bit. Much more tempting than the…”delicacy”.

As she's become known to my parents, "study abroad" Caroline and I made Halloween sugar cookies one night too! Despite a little "miscommunication" with the oven, they were still pretty cute. And okay, okay, yes we might have "feminized" a few of them. All in good fun, right?? 

A couple nights before Halloween, my other Caroline, Amber and Keira invited Taylor, Landon (what a trooper!) and I over for some Halloween celebrations and it was a hoot! We had a pumpkin carving contest and homemade caramel apples. While I have participated in the whole Jack-o-lantern thing, I have never actually carved a pumpkin myself; until last Tuesday that is. So this was quite the experience for me. Through great determination and inspiration from Pinterest, I give you…Broomhelda!

 She may not be Halloween’s Next Top Model, but she’s always up for a cackling good time and enjoys admiring her warts, having pumpkin seeds thrown in her hair (cough, cough Caroline!!) and daydreaming of the day she will find the spell to give her legs that will take her back home to Ireland. Taylor recreated “Wilson” from Cast Away and her dear husband, being the classy man that he is, made the front AND back of a cat. I will allow everyone to use their imagination….

It had been too long since we were all together and I’m glad we all got to spend a much needed evening together as friends.

Instead of being a normal 21 year old young adult, I opted out of the Halloween parties and drove up to Draper to spend the evening passing out candy to trick or treaters at my parent’s house. I hold NO regrets. On top of seeing just the cutest darn costumes a girl’s ever seen (next to my nephew, of course) and having a plethora of candy at my disposal (which I certainly indulged in!), I was reminded of how much I LOVE Draper and how much I LOVE to be home. Mom made homemade chili and Gluten-free corn bread. I had all, but forgotten what a home cooked meal tasted like! I got to see some old friends and leaders from my parent’s ward that I have greatly missed and greatly adore! It was, all in all, a spectacular and spook-a-licious evening!

 He was Peter Pan. AND he won his apartment complex's costume award. That's my boy!! 

Until next year, Happy Halloween!!


Although this is completely unrelated, Melina was going through her phone and found this beauty. When we spontaneously drove to San Francisco a couple years ago, we were walking through the Fishermen’s Warf and stopped in an old antique arcade. Clearly, I’m the next Rocky…;)